Adam Sandler - Mr Spindels Phone Call vaizdo klipas

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Adam Sandler

Mr Spindels Phone Call dainos žodžiai

[Phone Rings]

[Mr. Spindel picks it up]

Mr Spindel: "Hullo!"

Student: [Whispering] "Hey Mr. Spindel. How's algebra class going?"


Mr Spindel: "Whut!?"

Student: [Whispering] "You're in for a big surprise tommorrow during 5th



Mr Spindel: "Hey! Who is this!"

[Student Hangs up phone]

[Dial tone]

Mr Spindel: "Hullo!"

[Dial tone]

Mr Spindel: "Hullo!"

[Dial tone]

Mr Spindel: "Who is this!?"

[Dial tone]

Mr Spindel: "Hullo!"

[Dial tone]

Mr Spindel: "Answer me!"

[Dial tone]

Mr Spindel: "Who is this!?"

[Dial tone]

Mr Spindel: "Hullo!"

[Dial tone]

Mr Spindel: "For God's sake! Who are you!?"

[Dial tone]

Mr Spindel: "Hullo!"

[Dial tone]

Mr Spindel: "Hullo!"

[Dial tone]

[Operator recording playing "If you'd like to make a call..."]

Mr Spindel: "Who is that!?"

[Recording continues]

Mr Spindel: "Hullo!"

[Recording continues]

Mr Spindel: "Who are you!?"

[Recording continues]

Mr Spindel: "Please answer me!"


[Bleeping noise]

Mr Spindel: "Oh God! Who is this!?"


Mr Spindel: "Please stop it! Why are you doing this!?"


Mr Spindel: "WHY!? WHY!?"


Mr Spindel: "Just tell me your name."


Mr Spindel: "Please."


Mr Spindel: "I'm gonna hang up!"


Mr Spindel: "I'm warning you!"


Mr Spindel: "Hullo!"


Mr Spindel: "Whoever this is, I'm gonna hang up!"


Mr Spindel: "That's it!"


Mr Spindel: "Damn you kids!!"


Mr Spindel: "Damn you!!"

[Slams down phone]

[Phone rings]

[Mr. Spindel picks it up]

Mr Spindel: "Hullo?"

Ted: "Yeah, Bill."

Mr Spindel: "Oh, TED!"

Ted: "I've been trying to get through to you forever. Who have you been

Talking to?"

Mr Spindel: "I don't know. So help me God! I don't know!"


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