Adam Sandler - Mr Bakeo vaizdo klipas

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Adam Sandler

Mr Bakeo dainos žodžiai

I'm sit'n in my chair

Watching my TV

It's not even on

But theres plenty for me to see

I just lit, some crazy ass shit

That my friend overnight mailed to me

I'm fuckin wasted

It's the best shit I ever tasted

I think they fuckin laced it

Cause i'm so damb lambaseted

Well my friend came over

So I packed him a pipe

I told him he better go easy with this shit

But he didnt beleave the hype

He sparked three bowls just to show he could take it

Two minutes later

He was playing backgammon naked

He's fucken wasted

It's the best shit he ever tasted

He's lost in fuckin spaceted

Cause he's so wicked wicked wasted

Woah, spent the last two hours

Hiding under my bed

Cause I looked in the garbage can

And I think I saw my uncle louies head

I'm fuckin wasted

Well my friend blew a hit

Into my pet birds face

The bird laughed histarically

And started to moon walk all over the place

He tripped over the toaster wire and fell on his beak

He looked at the two of us

And he started to speak

I'm fuckin wasted

It's the best shit I ever tasted

My brains been eraseted

Woooah, I'm fuckin fried!

Now, where sitten in the bath tub

Want'n sumpthin to eat

I wanted a pizza and the bird said

Uh.. pepperoni would be sweet

Delivery guy showed up four hours later

And handed me his shoe

I said we ordered pizza buddy

Whats the hells up with you?

I'm fucking wasted

It's the best shit I ever fucking tasted

Woaaahhh, fucking shit

I'm way to based....

Ohho no


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