Switchfoot - Meant To Live (Exclusive Radio Remix) vaizdo klipas

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Meant To Live (Exclusive Radio Remix) dainos žodžiai

(verse 1)
fumbiling her confidence and wondering why all this food has past her by. hoping that shes been for more than pepperments and good ol apple pie, pie (chorus)
And we were meant to eat so much more but we lost ourselves we should look and fiinnd we should look and find . (2x) (verse 2)
dreaming about food and snacks and whether slim fast has another try. maybe we 've been eatin with our mouths half open maybe were hungry and mouths open, open
(chorus)(2x) (bridge)
we want more than the buffets have to offer
we want more than the buffets have to offer
we want more than the food of our fathers and everything inside screams to come out the other side yeeeeaah (chorus)(2x)


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