Charlotte Church - Marys Boy Child vaizdo klipas

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Charlotte Church

Marys Boy Child dainos žodžiai

Long time ago in bethlehem,
So the holy Bible say,
Mary's boy child, jesus christ,
Was born on christmas day. Hark, now hear the angels sing, A new king born today,
And man will live forever more,
Because of christmas day. While shepherds watched their flocks by night, Them see a bright new shining star,
Them hear a choir sing,
The music seemed to come from afar. `now joseph and his wife mary,
Come to bethlehem that night,
Them find no place to born she child,
Not a single room was in sight. Hark, now hear the angels sing...etc. By and by they find a little nook In a stable all forlorn,
And in a manger cold and dark,
Mary's little boy was born. Hark, now here the angels sings. Trumpets sound and angels sing, Listen to what they say,
That man will live forever more,
Because of christmas day.


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