Reinhard Mey - M(E)Y English Song vaizdo klipas

Kitu Reinhard Mey dainų žodžiai

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Reinhard Mey

M(E)Y English Song dainos žodžiai

I think that I make something wrong,
I once must make an English song,
'cause in my radio every day
I hear them English music play,
And all the radio people stand
On songs they cannot understand!
So I sing English now,
That's really animally strong!
And you can hear my English song all day long
Out your loudspeaker at home or riding in your car,
All over this our land, wherever you are,
From Bee-Are-Three to the Double-U-Dee-Are!
Oh baby, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh babe!
A poor little sausage was I
When I in German sang, oh my!
I could not English, but quite cool
I learned it at the Folks High School!
Now my producer says me "Well,
What do we now for records sell!"
So I sing English now,
That's really animally strong!
And you can hear my English song all day long
Out your loudspeaker at home or riding in your car,
All over this our land, wherever you are,
From Bee-Are-Three to the Double-U-Dee-Are!
Oh baby-baby-baby-baby, oh yeah, oh baby, oh yeah!
You reach the German music freak
Now only if you can English speak!
And if you will a song outbring,
You better should it English sing!
And people flip out, say I you, my friend,
Even if they only railroad station understand!
So I sing English now,
That's really animally strong!
And you can hear my English song all day long
Out your loudspeaker at home or riding in your car,
All over this our land, wherever you are,
From the Ess-Eff-Bee to the Double-U-Dee-Are!
And you can even me
On Tee-Vee see!
Sometimes at Zed-Dee-Eff,
Sometimes at Ay-Are-Dee.
Oh baby, oh yeah!
Oh baby-baby-baby-baby, oh yeah, oh baby, oh yeah!


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