Faith Hill - Love Is A Sweet Thing vaizdo klipas

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Faith Hill

Love Is A Sweet Thing dainos žodžiai

He was sitting on a corner with a bottle of beer
And the same shopping cart he'd been pushing for years
A big smile on his face
Like the first day of spring
All the people looked the other way, but they heard him sing
And he sang "Love
Love is a sweet thing"
He sang "love
Love is a sweet thing" She shot out of Texas
Like a bullet from a gun
With a van full of hippies and a band on the run
She didn't want to be famous
She just wanted to play
In old dive bars and pool halls she got up on stage
And she sang "Love
Love is a sweet thing
Oh yes it is"
She sang "love
Love is a sweet, sweet thing" It's everywhere you look
If you look hard enough
Its really not hard to see
Yeah, once you put your arms around it
You can never get too much
Love is a sweet, sweet thing It's in the smile of a stranger
In the eyes of a child
On the corner of a crowded street
Its everywhere around us
Its always growing wild
Love is a sweet, sweet thing Love
Love is a sweet thing
I sang "love, love, love
Love is a sweet thing
Love is a sweet thing
Oh yes it is" I sang "love, love, love
Love is a sweet, sweet thing
Oh, baby
Love is a sweet thing"
I sang "love
Love is a sweet, sweet thing"


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