Captain Beefheart - Long Neck Bottles vaizdo klipas

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Captain Beefheart

Long Neck Bottles dainos žodžiai

Woman like long neck bottles
And a big head on her beer
I don't like to talk about my women
But I hold that woman dear

Well, one night she go to drinking
Got out and shot up the town
I'll be damned if she didn't
Bring an airplane down
I don't like to talk about my woman
But this one sure could chug 'em down
I don't like to talk about my woman
But this one sure could chug 'em down

One night she started drinking
Down by the river
She tied up the river
And backed the ocean down
I don't like to talk about none of my women
But this one sure could hold her long neck bottle beer down

When she walked into a bar
They set 'em and got right out of town
'Cuz she picked 'em up a'plenty
And laid a lot of them down
Women like long neck bottles
And a big head on their beer
Now you got that down
You got that down

Well, one night she go to drinking
Got out and shot up the town
I'll be damned if she didn't
Bring an airplane down
I don't like to talk about my woman
But this one sure could chug 'em down
I don't like to talk about my woman
But this one sure could chug 'em down
I don't like to talk about none of my women
But I'm going to do it anyway
Then I'm going to get
Right out of town


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