Ace Of Base - Living In Danger vaizdo klipas

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Ace Of Base

Living In Danger dainos žodžiai

Live for yourself it's a wonderful thing
You can do what you want
You can live in a dream
Get up get in get the rhythm get down

You're living in peace and in harmony
Making your own decisions
That how it's got to be for you and me
So many people just running around and round
Without no sense of logic

I see lies
In the eyes of a stranger
You'll be living in danger
I see lies
In the eyes of a stanger
You'll be living in danger
I see lies
In the eyes of a stranger
You'll be living in danger

People are the same today
As they used to be
The same expectations
So high no one can reach that high
Not I nor you get satisfied today
We'll never get enough

I see lies
In the eyes of a stranger
You'll be living in danger
I see lies
In the eyes of a stranger
You'll be living in danger
I see lies
In the eyes of a stranger
You'll be living in danger


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