Ashlee Simpson - Listenening Patiently vaizdo klipas

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Ashlee Simpson

Listenening Patiently dainos žodžiai

If you litsening right now, then you'll see what is happening to me. And If your here right now, then you will see the other side of me and then you'll figure out what this whole thing was about and then you will come back to me.

I know this sounds pathetic but it's coming from my heart. But this is hard to talk about. And it's like i have these powers and it seems like they are running out.

It's a new experience and it's really weird to me. And it's all happening so fast I don't even know where I'm sisposed to be. And if you were here right now I would kmow what was going on and now I see that you're not here so I better keep going on.

I hope you're still litsening because I didn't make my point. And I didn't quite tell you why I'm stressing so badly. If you were actually with me right now there would be more to me but I'm slowing down so fast I could hardly catch my breath.

It still sounds so pathetic that I'm trying so hard but I'm losing so much words. I cannot talk so much, only if you were here...

It's a new experience and it's really weird to me. And it's all happening so fast I don't even know where I'm sisposed to be. And if you were here right now I would know what was going on and now I see that you're not here so I better keep going on.

So inocent and darling..


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