Vertical Horizon - Lines Upon Your Face vaizdo klipas

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Vertical Horizon

Lines Upon Your Face dainos žodžiai

A small group of boys walk down the street
Throwing a ball in the air
One says to another
Hey I'll always be your brother
I'll always be your friend Chorus:
Do you remember
When we thought we were immortal
And the games we played always had a happy end
But in the game of life all the roses wither
And time writes its lines upon your face Summer's here and three young men
Drive through the town in the night air
When fall comes they'll part again
One turns to another and he says Chorus It's 3 A.M., he's been feeling lonely
Work's been hard, and the city's hard too
He picks up the phone, and halfway 'cross the country
A brother listens to his blues
He says Chorus Lift your voices loud and clearly
Sing for brotherhood right now
Lift your voices loud and clearly
Sing for sisterhood right now Sometimes I wish
That we all were immortal
And the game of life always had a happy end
But I know it's not true, oh, time keeps passing
But I'm just glad to spend my time
With you
With you Lift your voices loud and clearly
Sing for brotherhood right now
(Do you remember)
Lift your voices loud and clearly
Sing for sisterhood right now


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