Kelis - Lil Suzie vaizdo klipas

Kitu Kelis dainų žodžiai

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Lil Suzie dainos žodžiai

Got credit cards in my pockets
But I walk past bums all day
Why why why
I see dealers pushing poisons
But I have nothing to say
Why why why
I date two people at the same time
Knowing it is twice the sin
Why why why
Oh yes I have this little problem here I'm being vain again
Why why

Hey man I'm just listening to His teachings my soul and heart
This is God's movie and I'm just trying to play my part
Time is running out and we've broken the seventh seal
The more I read I realize that UFOs are real

Hey little Suzie
You don't have to cry no more
Hey little Bobby
Don't you worry about the war
Hey little Jessica
You just keep up with the score
Cuz God closes the windows
Next thing you know He opens doors

I blew my paycheck getting real high today
Why why why
I lied and told my nephew that I had no more time to play
Why why why
I saw this lady gettin robbed I looked away
Why why why
I put my grandma in a home and made her stay
Why why

Hey man I'm just listening to His teachings my soul and heart
This is God's movie and I'm just trying to play my part
Time is running out and we've broken the seventh seal
The more I read I realize that UFOs are real

Hey little Suzie
You don't have to cry no more
Hey little Bobby
Don't you worry about the war
Hey little Jessica
You just keep up with the score
Cuz God closes the windows
Next thing you know He opens doors

Singing la la la la la
Singing la la la la la

I give in church but you are asking me where it really goes
Why why why
I could give more but I end up spending it on shoes and clothes
Why why why
I chew ice, look at my watch some Middle Eastern babies sold
Why why why
In the winter I have furs knowing some poor child is cold
Why why

Hey man I'm just listening to His teachings my soul and heart
This is God's movie and I'm just trying to play my part
Time is running out and we've broken the seventh seal
The more I read I realize that UFOs are real

What if the holy trinity was Christians, Muslims, Jews
Yet we bomb eachother for more coverage on the news
He was this he wasn't that he never touched the girl either way
Our messiah shall save the world

Hey little Suzie
You don't have to cry no more
Hey little Bobby
Don't you worry about th war
Hey little Jessica
You just keep up with the score
Cuz God closes windows
Next thing you know He opens doors

(singing la la la la la)

Hey little Suzie
You don't have to cry no more
Hey little Bobby
Don't you worry about th war
Hey little Jessica
You just keep up with the score
Cuz God closes windows
Next thing you know He opens doors

Singing la la la la la
Singing la la la la la
Singing la la la la la


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