Hannah Montana - Life Has Its Own Route vaizdo klipas

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Hannah Montana

Life Has Its Own Route dainos žodžiai

Life is like an unpaved road
Its just keeps on spinnin' with its bumps and turns
Ups and downs it's jumpin around!
You go through all hard times
You think you might not get through
Do I take a Right
Or do I take a Left
Life just seems to ramble on no matter the situation
Life has its ups and downs
Sometimes you just need to get away I know I've had my trouble
Making my desicions
Sometimes they aren't so great
I seeem to make it through these
But times are gettin' harder and harder
You need a lot of parental support
They know the road and the ways of life
and can help you make it through the day After a while you'll get used to the road
and the way that is going to be
I promise you'll get used to it...
You'll just have to see Cause Life's Like a road
and it must go on
and it seems like it goes on forever and ever..
But no day you will have to relize just how fast it stops.


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