A Teens - Let Your Heart Do All The Talking vaizdo klipas

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A Teens

Let Your Heart Do All The Talking dainos žodžiai


Lovin' your smile
Lovin' your style
Don't you get it?
Got what I need
You gotta believe
I'm already yours
Let your heart do all the talking (hoo!)
Give it a shot
Give what ya got
Take me flyin'
Give me your lips
Give me the kiss
I've been dyin' for
Let your heart do all the talking

Take my hand
That dreams can come true

And all you gotta do
Is to go, is to flow
With emotion, you
Gotta know, gotta show,
The devotion
I just wanna be close to you
(In the sunshine)
Wherever the sun shines
(In the rain)
Wherever you go
Let your heart do all the talking

You're makin' a mistake
You're makin' me shake
With desire
Don't need a break
Don't wanna wait
'Til the fires gone
Let your heart do all the talking
Get in the game
Get in the zone
Get in the action
There's really no shame in letting me know that I'm the one (yeah)
Let your heart do all the talking

Take my hand
That dreams can come true

And all you gotta do
Is to go, is to flow
With emotion, you
(Yeah you)
Gotta know, gotta show,
The devotion
I just wanna be close to you
(In the sunshine)
Wherever the sun shines
(In the rain)
Wherever you go
Let your heart do all the talking
Let your heart do all the talking
Let your heart do all the talking

Now finish what you've started
Because you brought it
There ain't no better time
Don't be so chicken-hearted
If you want it
Lay down the line
(Uh, ah)

And all you gotta do
Is to go, is to flow
With emotion, you
Gotta know, gotta show,
(You gotta show)
The devotion
I just wanna be close to you
(In the sunshine)
Wherever the sun shines
(In the rain)
Wherever you go
(Wherever you go, yeah)
Let your heart do all the talking
(Oh, oh, oh, yeah)
Let your heart do all the talking

Gotta know, gotta show,
(You gotta show me baby)
The devotion
I just wanna be close to you
(In the sunshine)
Wherever the sun shines
(In the rain)
Wherever you go
Let your heart do all the talking


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