Aaron Carter - Let The Music Heal Your Soul vaizdo klipas

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Aaron Carter

Let The Music Heal Your Soul dainos žodžiai

Oh if someone writes a song
With a simple sound
Just a song, where his feelings show
And if someone feels the same
About that simple song
Oh, sometimes, you can hear them say
Music gives you happiness or sadness
But it also, it also heals your soul

Let the music heal your soul
Let the music take control
Let the music give you the power to move any mountain

Oh, if someone plays piano
With some simple chords
So melodic, and endearing too...
I know if someone plays guitar
With the old piano
And maybe, you can hear them sing
Music gives you happiness or sadness
But it also, also heals your soul

Let the music heal your soul
Let the music take control
Let the music give you the power to move any mountain
Oh yes...
Let the music heal your soul
Let the music take control
Let the music heal your soul
Oohhh, oh yes...

Let the music heal your soul
Let the music take control
(In your soul...)
Let the music heal your soul
(heal your soul...)
Let the music take control
Let the music take control
Let the music heal your soul
Let the music take control
Oh yes...
Let the music heal your soul
Everybody sing...

Let the music take control
(Let the music take control)
Let the music heal your soul
Let it heal your soul...)
Let the music take control
Let the music heal your soul
Let the music take control...


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