Achim Reichel - Johnny Johnny vaizdo klipas

Kitu Achim Reichel dainų žodžiai

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Achim Reichel

Johnny Johnny dainos žodžiai

Oh, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, come along, come along,
Oh, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, come along,
Don't stand there like a silly old fool,
Don't stand there and be so cool,
Don't be shy of the ladies,
And the teeth in his mouth went bang bang.

Down by the sea where the watermelons grow,
Back to my home I shall not go,
And shall I dream of love sweat song,
Who can be happier than a sailor boy to night.

Oh, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny was a sailor man,
He had been around all the day,
Yoking with the ladies playing hide and seek,
Happy as the day went bang a bang a bang.
Not a penny he had to pay,
For ay-deedle-dy-deedle all the day.

Down by the sea where the watermelons grow,
Back to my home I shall not go,
And shall I dream of love sweat song,
Who can be happier than a sailor boy to night.

Oh, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, take a gun, take a gun,
There are monkeys in the garden playing in the sun,
Johnny took his gun and the gun was loaded,
Pull on the trigger and the gun exploded,
Ay-deedle-dy-deedle and he never pull a trigger of a gun.

Down by the sea where the watermelons grow,
Back to my home I shall not go,
And shall I dream of love sweat song,
Who can be happier than a sailor boy to night.


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