Kelis - In The Morning vaizdo klipas

Kitu Kelis dainų žodžiai

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In The Morning dainos žodžiai

Hey baby what you doing?
Your flight left yet?
Pshh, I'm half way there
I can't wait to see you
So tell me have you left yet, damn I'm running late to the airport
Every time we do this
In my mind saying should I go through with this?
All I see is you kissing me
Last time shut my eyes
Plane goes higher, higher Hotel's booked all I have to do is get my key
I can't wait to have you walk up and hold on me, yeah
I've never felt this way before But in the morning
When you're gone
I must wait and be strong
And have faith
You'll return
In my arms
Hope you miss your flight
Hope you miss your flight Casablanca has always been my dream
I heard that it's absolutely radiant in spring
In the garden drinking shots of Hennesy
Calm my nerves, it's been way too long for me Finally we're driving in a far out dream
Nothing seems even real or close for me
Afternoon sun showers change the way I see
I've never felt this way before But in the morning
When you're gone
I must wait and be strong
And have faith
You'll return
In my arms
Hope you miss your flight
Hope you miss your flight But in the morning
When you're gone
I must wait and be strong
And have faith
You'll return
In my arms
Hope you miss your flight
Hope you miss your flight It's okay, it's okay
(It's okay)
It's okay, it's okay But in the morning
When you're gone
I must wait and be strong
And have faith
You'll return
In my arms
Hope you miss your flight
Hope you miss your flight


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