Drake Bell - In The End vaizdo klipas

Kitu Drake Bell dainų žodžiai

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Drake Bell

In The End dainos žodžiai

Wake up
It's time to get your things together
And drive away
Breathe out
You feel today it treats you better
That's what they say

Another day
Gone without a sound
But it's okay
If you turn around
And feel the memories bringin' you down

And in the end
Are you stronger
Do you no longer
Need to recover
And where have you been
Since it's been over
Over my shoulder
Under my skin
Will you ever return again

Wake up
The monsters in your head have left you
All to your self
It's alright
The fuggly little things around you
Of how it felt

Another day
No one tells you what it means
What's in your way
Poison in your dreams
The darkest place that you've ever been

And in the end
Are you stronger
Do you no longer
Need to recover
And where have you been
Since it's been over
Over my shoulder
Under my skin
Will you ever return again

And in the end
Are you stronger
Do you no longer
Need to recover
And where have you been
Since it's been over
Over my shoulder
Under my skin
Will you ever return again


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