Whitney Houston - I Know Him So Well vaizdo klipas

Kitu Whitney Houston dainų žodžiai

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Whitney Houston

I Know Him So Well dainos žodžiai

Nothing is so good it lasts eternally
Perfect situations must go wrong
But this has never yet prevented me
From wanting far too much for far too long
Looking back, I could have done it differently
Won a few more moments, who can tell?
But it took time to understand the man
Now at least I know, I know him well Wasn't it good, Wasn't it fine
Isn't it madness he can't be mine
But in the end, he needs a little more than before
Security, he needs his fantasy and freedom
I know him so well No one in your life is with you constantly
No one is completely on your side
And though I move my world to be with him
Still the gap between us is too wide
Looking back, I could have played it differently
Learned about the man before I fell
But I was ever so much younger then Wasn't it good (oh so good), Wasn't it fine (so fine)
Isn't it madness he can't be mine Didn't I know how it would go
If I knew from the start
Why am I falling apart Wasn't it fine
Isn't it madness he can't be mine
But in the end, he needs a little more than before
Security, he needs his fantasy and freedom
I know him so well
It took some to understand him
Hoo ooh I know him so well


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