Accept - I Dont Wanna Be Like You vaizdo klipas

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I Dont Wanna Be Like You dainos žodžiai

Heaven knows
Heaven knows I tried
To be like you
To be a part of you tribe

I'd rather leave it all behind
But that's alright
I'm not your average type
No Mr. Clean - hey I wanna be me

Can't you see - I'm the exception to the rule
I know what I want
And I know I'm gonna get it
That is why - I'm the exception to the rule
Don't push me too far
The way I am is just because

I don't wanna be like you
I don't wanna be like you
The walls can be shaking
The earth could be quaking
I still don't wanna be like you

I'm hog-tied'n'dirty
I'm tough and mean

Keep your Wall Street slickers
And the American dream

You ('ve) done me over and over
You ('ve) tried to tie me down
Why don't you step out of the shadows
Dare to roll the dice
Let it roll - and don't you push me around

Can't you see - I'm the exception to the rule
I know what I want
And I know I'm gonna get it
That is why - I'm the exception to the rule
Don't push me too far
The way I am is just because
I don't wanna be like you
I don't wanna be like you - never ever !
The walls can be shaking
The earth could be quaking
But I still don't wanna be like you

The ordinary way of life ain't for me
I do what I want and I wanna be free
Never know, where I go or what I'm gonna do
Why can't you see - the only thing I know is that

I don't wanna be like you
I don't wanna be like you
If the oceans turn to desert
Hell can turn to ice
But I still don't wanna be like you

I don't wanna be like you
I don't wanna be like you - no way !
The walls can be shaking
The earth could be quaking
But I still don't wanna be like - you !


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