Alan Jackson - I Dont Even Know Your Name vaizdo klipas

Kitu Alan Jackson dainų žodžiai

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Alan Jackson

I Dont Even Know Your Name dainos žodžiai

Well I was sitting in a roadhouse down on highway 41
You were wiping off some ketchup on a table that was done
I knw you didn't see me, I was in a corner booth
Of course you weren't my waitress mine was missing her front tooth
So I flagged you down for coffee
But I couldn't say a thing
But I'm in love with you baby and I don't even know your name

I'm in love with you baby, I don't even know your name
I've never been to good at all these sexual games
So maybe it's just better if we leave it this way
I'm in love with you baby and I don't even know your name

So I ordered straight tequila, a little courage in a shot
I asked you for a date and then I asked to tie the knot
I got a little wasted, yeah I went a little far
But I finally got to hug you when you helped me to my car
The last thing I remember I heard myself say
I'm in love with you baby, I don't even know your name

I'm in love with you baby, I don't even know your name
I've never been to good at all these sexual games
So maybe it's just better if we leave it this way
I'm in love with you baby and I don't even know your name

The next thing I remember, I was hearing wedding bells
Standing by a woman in a long white lacy veil
I raised the veil, she smiled at me without her left front tooth
And I said 'Where the heel am I and just who the hell are you?'
She said 'I was your waitress and our last name's now the same'
'Cause I;m married to you baby and I don't even know your name

I'm married to a waitress, I don't even know her name
I've never been to good at all these sexual games
I never thought my love life would quite turn out this way
Hey I'm married to a waitress and I don't even know her name


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