Le Ann Rimes - I Believe In You vaizdo klipas

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Le Ann Rimes

I Believe In You dainos žodžiai

You breathe and life begins
You speak and my world makes sense
That's how it is when it comes to you
Your mercy has no end
You're more than just a friend
It amazes me you feel the way you do I believe in you and nothing less
I believe in you, can't help myself
You are the hope, the reason that I need
I believe in you,
Just because I don't need no one to prove your love
You're all that I have seen
It's easier for me to believe in you You are so beautiful
You are the miracle that dries the tears, heals a wounded heart
And it's so clear to see your hand in everything
You were there for me
There to see me through I believe in you and nothing less
I believe in you can't help myself
You're all the hope, the reason that I need
I believe in you,
Just because I don't need no one to prove your love
You're all that I have seen
It's easier for me to believe in you Through the fire and through the rain
I know your love for me will never ever change I believe in you and nothing less
I believe in you, can't help myself
You're all the hope, the reason that I need
I believe in you,
Just because I need no one to prove your love
You're all that I have seen It's easier for me to believe in you and nothing less
I believe in you, I can't help myself
You're all the hope, the reason that I need
I believe in you,
Just because I need no one to prove your love
You're all that I have seen
It's easier for me to believe in you To believe in you


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