Alan Jackson - Hole In The Wall vaizdo klipas

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Alan Jackson

Hole In The Wall dainos žodžiai

There's a hole in the wall
Where a nail used to be
A nail that held a picture of
The one that once held me

Now that wall's tellin' me
What I don't wanna hear
I'm tired of the word "fool"
Ringin' in my ears

Oh I guess a saner man
Would simply paint it
But I'm not sane and after all
It's my wall, ain't it
I've got this hammer in my hand
And when I'm through
There'll be a hole in that wall
Big enough to drive a truck through

When you lose the greatest love
You've ever had
A little hole in the wall
Is enough to drive you mad

Oh I guess a saner man
Would simply paint it
But I'm not sane and after all
It's my wall, ain't it
I've got this hammer in my hand
And when I'm through
There'll be a hole in that wall
Big enough to drive a truck through

Oh I've got this hammer in my hand
And when I'm through
There'll be a hole in that wall
Big enough to drive a truck through


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