Linkin Park - High Voltage (Hybrid Theory Ep Version) vaizdo klipas

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Linkin Park

High Voltage (Hybrid Theory Ep Version) dainos žodžiai

High Voltage Remix By Linkin Park You know what I meanYou could put a label on a life Put a label on a life style. Sometimes...You know Put a label on how you wake up every morningAnd go to bed at night. Hybrid I've been diggin into crates ever since I was livin in spaceBefore the ratrace
before monkeys had human traitsI mastered numerology and bigbang theologyPerformed lobotomies with telekinetic psychologyInvented the mic so I could start blessin itChin-checkin kids to make my point like an impressionistMany men have tried to shake usBut I twist mic cords in double helixes and show them what I'm made ofI buckle knees like leg bracesCast the spell of instrumental-ness on all of you emcees who hate usSo you can try on Leave you without a shoulder to cry onFrom now to infinity let icons be bygonesI fire bombs
ghostly notes haunt thisI tried threats but moved on to a promiseI stomp this with or without an accompliceAnd run the gauntlet with whoever that wants this. High VoltageThe unforgettable soundHigh VoltageBringing you up and taking you downHigh VoltageComing at you from every sideHigh VoltageMaking the rhythm and rhyme collide Akira
I put a kink in the backbones of clones with microphonesNever satisfy my rhyme jonesSprayin bright day over what you might sayMy Blood type's Krylon Technicolor type AOn highways ride with road rageCages of wind and cages of tin that bounce all aroundSurround soundDevouring the sceneSubliminal gangrene paintingsOverall the same thingSing song karaoke copy bullshit Break bones verbally with sticks and stone tacticsFourth dimension
comeback conventionWrite rhymes at ease while the track stands at attentionMeant to put you away with the pencilPistol
16 line a rhyme missileWhile you risk your all
I pick out all your flawsSpin rah
blah blah blahYou can say you saw High VoltageThe Unforgettable soundHigh VoltageBringing you up and taking you downHigh VoltageComing at you from every sideHigh VoltageMaking the rhythm and rhyme collide High VoltageThe Unforgettable soundHigh VoltageBringing you up and taking you downHigh VoltageComing at you from every sideHigh VoltageMaking the rhythm and rhyme collide And like the rock and rapYou know what I meanPeople act like you knowWow that's a new inventionThat's like brand newWe're constantly evolvingIt is constantly changing Sometimes... There's a lot of changeEverybody's always up with labelsThere ain't no label for this stuffThey're always gonna try to put a label on itTry to create somethingSo they can water it down Sometimes I feel like a prophetMisunderstoodUnder the gun like a new diseaseSometimes I feel like a prophetMisunderstoodUnder the gun like a new disease High VoltageThe Unforgettable soundHigh VoltageBringing you up and taking you downHigh VoltageComing at you from every sideHigh VoltageMaking the rhythm and rhyme collide High VoltageThe Unforgettable soundHigh VoltageBringing you up and taking you downHigh VoltageComing at you from every sideHigh VoltageMaking the rhythm and rhyme collide High VoltageThe Unforgettable soundHigh VoltageBringing you up and taking you downHigh VoltageComing at you from every sideHigh VoltageMaking the rhythm and rhyme collide High VoltageThe Unforgettable soundHigh VoltageBringing you up and taking you downHigh VoltageComing at you from every sideHigh VoltageMaking the rhythm and rhyme collide You know what I mean
you can put a label on a life


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