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Guided By Voices dainų žodžiai, tekstai

Guided By Voices - Broadcastor House
Chorus: Broadcastor house I want to blow All step back And give me room New age barkers are m...

Guided By Voices - Bright Paper Werewolves
Come on, polluted eyeballs Stop scouting out the fields Jump up, bright paper werewolves And ever...

Guided By Voices - Bright Paper Werevolves
Come on, polluted eyeballs Stop scouting out the fields Jump up, bright paper werewolves And ever...

Guided By Voices - Bottle Of The Ghost Of Time
Good and evil dance above us I wander through your maze Got caught up in the fullness Of unraveli...

Guided By Voices - Bomb In The Bee Hive
Here I go around the blame Here I go with hand over flame Down on the floor at 9:00 A scene not f...

Guided By Voices - Blimps Go 90
Blimps go 90 on with the show Couldn't you see that? Now didn't you know? Aerosol halos---films o...

Guided By Voices - Blatant Doom Trip
Jill and Vicky liked to drug-out Doing it naked with ??? Ain't no angels in this part of town Tak...

Guided By Voices - Bite
I remember things We weren't in the plan Long ago when I was a young man Never tried to hide Nev...

Guided By Voices - Big School
One, two big school Big school Servant to master Sinister bastard All the worlds are Colliding ...

Guided By Voices - Big Chief Chinese Restaurant
Introducing the amazing rockethead You know what the deal is dude Excuse me Napoleon But I gotta ...

Guided By Voices - Big Boring Wedding
I have entered a shiny new realm A very different and very spoiled world It’s with great pleasure ...

Guided By Voices - Beekeeper Seeks Ruth
That girl sitting over there is defined as the world's finest Paramount Pyramid. I met this Beek...

Guided By Voices - Barricade
Six guns alone and a Emotional avalanche Six bottles of rum and a Kilo full of character change ...

Guided By Voices - Back To The Lake
How can I look through Their senseless side? As much as I'd like to All is not right - and it sho...

Guided By Voices - Awful Bliss
You chose a giant step - caught your eye Guaranteed sweetness that you thought broken And you were...

Guided By Voices - Avalanche Aminos
Give him hope Give him progress Give him time Sell him communion Dream angels telepathy It's ...

Guided By Voices - Auditorium
Post-punk X-Man parked his fork-lift Like a billion stars flickering from the grinder's wheel Lowe...

Guided By Voices - Atom Eyes
I'm dreaming it so it must be true Nothing else could look as good as you do And so we're a rocket...


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