Switchfoot - Gravity vaizdo klipas

Kitu Switchfoot dainų žodžiai

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Gravity dainos žodžiai

There's a fracture in the color bar
In the backseat of a parked car
By the liquor store where the streetlight
Keep you company til the next night

In the same town, there's the same scar
In the same glow of the liquor store
By the freeway, where the headlight
Keep her company til the next night

Oh! Gravity!
Why can't we seem to keep it together?
Sons of my enemies,
Why can't we seem to keep it together?

In the back room of the pentagon
There's a thin man with a line drawn
With a red jaw and a red bite
Watch the headline on the next night

Oh! Gravity!
Why can't we seem to keep it together?
Sons of my enemies,
Why can't we seem to keep it together?
Why this tragedy?
Why can't we seem to keep it together?
Oh! Gravity!
Why can't we seem to pull it together?

In the fallout, the fallout
We found out the hype won't get you through
We're connected, connected
I meant it, the hype won't get you through


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