Avril Lavigne - Give It Up vaizdo klipas

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Avril Lavigne

Give It Up dainos žodžiai

Everytime you go away
It actually kinda makes my day
Everytime you leave
You slam the door You pick your words so carefully
You hate to think you're hurting me
You leave me laughing on the floor 'Cause I don't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
You know, I don't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
You know Im not gonna cry
About some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that I thought we were just hanging out
So why'd you kiss me on the mouth?
You thought the way you taste would get me high
You went to all your friends to brag
Guys are always such a drag
Don't ya know the reason that
I kissed you was to say goodbye Cause I don't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
You know I don't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
You know Im not gonna cry
About some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that Hangin', Hangin' out
I am simply
Hangin', Hangin' out
I am simply
Hangin', So why'd ya kiss me on the mouth?
Don't ya know that I…
I don't give a damn about you
I wont give it up now for you
I don't give a damn about you
I wont give it up now for you
I'm not gonna cry
About some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that Cause I don't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
You know I don't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that I don't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that
You know I don't give it up
I don't give a damn
What you say about that


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