Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend (Spanglish) vaizdo klipas

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Avril Lavigne

Girlfriend (Spanglish) dainos žodžiai

Hey,hey tu,tu
Odio a tu novia
Necesitas una nueva
Hey,hey yo,yo
Podria ser tu novia Hey,hey tu,tu
Yo se que me gustas
No es un secreto
Hey,hey tu,tu
Yo quiero ser tu novia You're so fine
I want you mine
You're so delicious
I think about you all the time
You're so addictive
Don't you know what I could do to make you feel alright?
Don't pretend I think you know I'm damn precious
And hell yeah
I'm the mother f**king princess
I can tell you like me too and you know I'm right She's like so whatever
You could do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about! Hey,hey tu,tu
Odio a tu novia
Necesitas una nueva
Hey,hey yo,yo
Podria ser tu novia Hey,hey tu,tu
Yo se que me gustas
No es un secreto
Hey,hey tu,tu
Yo quiero ser tu novia I can see the way, I see the way you look at me
And even when you look away I know you think of me
I know you talk about me all the time
again and again(and again and again and again)
So come over here, tell me what I want to hear
Better yet make your girlfriend disappear
I don't want to hear you say her name ever again
(And again and again and again!) Cause, She's like so whatever
And you could do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about! Hey,hey tu,tu
Odio a tu novia
Necesitas una nueva
Hey,hey yo,yo
Podria ser tu novia Hey,hey tu,tu
Yo se que me gustas
No es un secreto
Hey,hey tu,tu
Yo quiero ser tu novia In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
Cuz I can, cuz I can do it better
There's no other
So when's it gonna sink in
She's so stupid
What the hell were you thinking?! In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
Cuz I can, cuz I can do it better
There's no other
So when's it gonna sink in
She's so stupid
What the hell were you thinking?! Hey,hey tu,tu
Odio a tu novia
Necesitas una nueva
Hey,hey yo,yo
Podria ser tu novia
No Way! No Way! Hey,hey tu,tu
Yo se que me gustas
No es un secreto
Hey,hey tu,tu
Yo quiero ser tu novia
No Way! No Way! Hey,hey tu,tu
Odio a tu novia
Necesitas una nueva
Hey,hey yo,yo
Podria ser tu novia
No Way! No Way! (Hey-Yeah)Hey,hey tu,tu
Yo se que me gustas(No Way-hey!)
No es un secreto(Hey-yey!)
Hey,hey tu,tu
Yo quiero ser tu novia
No Way! No Way!


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