Ace Of Base - George Murphy vaizdo klipas

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Ace Of Base

George Murphy dainos žodžiai

Hollywood's often tried to mix

Show business with politics,

>From Helen Gahagan

To Ronald Reagan,

But Mister Murphy is the star

That's done the best by far.

Oh gee, it's great,

At last we have a Senator who can

Really sing and dance!

We can't expect America

To win against its foes

With no one in the Senate who

Can really tap his toes.

The movies that you've seen

On your television screen

Show his legislative talents at a glance.

Should Americans pick crops? George says "No,"

'Cause no one but a Mexican would stoop so low.

And after all, even in Egypt, the pharaohs

Had to import

Hebrew braceros.

Think of all the musicals we have in store.

Imagine: "Broadway Melody of Nineteen Eighty-Four."

Yes, now that he's a Senator, he's really got the chance

To give the public

A song and dance!


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