Incubus - Freezing Torment vaizdo klipas

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Freezing Torment dainos žodžiai

Peaceful mission thru the air
Suddenly caught unware
Panic rises, lives in despair
Fasten the seat belts , praying to survive
All the memories of their lives
Flashes thru their minds
As the emergency landing is occuring at the time
Like a torpedo going down towards it's aim
To the cold, white deserted ground
Shock occurs in the violent crash
It's a morbid nightmare
Bodies torn into an unnatural position
Mutilated until unrecognizable forms
Survivors trapped, afflicted pain
Of body and mind, screaming for help
Undergoing tremendous feelings of death
It all adds to an unpleasant destiny
Extreme hunger
Nourishment supplies ran out
Organism weakens each moment
cannibalistic action the only way
Crying to God for forgiveness
As the silence of flesh are being devoured
From the dead corpses, There's no choice
Either choose life or death
Lowering themselves to a point
They would never thought to get
A living inferno where rational thoughts
Became repulsive
A place where the living needed the dead
Shocked by the scars of terror
A memory that they will never forget
For the victims of the freezing torment


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