D 12 - Filthy vaizdo klipas

Kitu D 12 dainų žodžiai

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D 12

Filthy dainos žodžiai

Fuck fat ass nasty dirty niggas
FILTH, Shit, Fuckin filth yeea
Ayo my style bust holes in the earth
Crush the crust by the dirtiest
Be the specializing in stoppin breathin
My legion a bleed man whether you belive in
Heaven and Hell
Make your grill swell it aint hard to tell
I work spells or wicked like ___
Put __ head first, the round bursts another victim

Nah man the boy pick em, stick em

Hands on the half shit, I'm fillin my glands full of acid
Two hands full of ass dancing with Angela Bassett
Make plans for the casket
Your head lands in a basket
A dead mans in a plastic
I got red hands and a mass of fits
(Bizarre) Yeaah Em
Fuckin rap pervert, I serve dirt
My sick thoughts get all mixed up like rainbow sherbert
Get every nerve hurt, spot a mic and walk toward it
My whole click will beat your fuckin ass and camcord it

Somebody hide my too many hoes on my dick
Smoked all your hay who wants to start the crucial conflict
Im the big daddy smokin blunts in cali
End up doing a drive by at the stay in school rally
Stop Stop knockin cuz aint nobody there
Hoes with AIDS I still fuck bare
Cuz I, I just dont care
Ill enuff to fuck up all your dental care
When Bizarre Kid comes through you better yell may day
Or you was havin good times like Dynamite Kujo _____

(Kon Artis)
Yeah Yeah Bitch I get helmet from stank crack heads
And read my kids horror stories when I lay em to bed
Ridin bikes butt naked
Gettin freshed by police men
Fuck christmas this is take a gift season
Beatin kids up for no reason
Take lunch boxes and all
Get em high off mushrooms
And play a friendly game of dodgeball

Battlin the dirty dozen that dont pay
You god dam right punk stay outta my way
5x then fades out


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