Switchfoot - Evergreen vaizdo klipas

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Evergreen dainos žodžiai

Me and the trees, losing our leaves
Falling like blood on the ground
I want to be evergreen Everything dies, I know last night
Part of me wasn't around
I want to be evergreen
Yeah, evergreen... Waiting, and listening
Hoping and missing all of our time left alone
I'm the one cutting the rope
Frostbite in winter, cause like a splinter
You come and follow me down
I'm the one cutting the rope
Yeah... Chorus: Holiday Inn, you once again, and I'm left alone on the bus to my high
Head on the ground,
Lost and not found by you
This time around The sun will rise soon and tackle the moon
Chasing it still in the sky
All that I've got is tonight
Excuses and reasons, and now it is the season
For all that I never got right
All that I've got is tonight Chrous: Holiday Inn, you once again, and I'm left alone on the bus to my high
Head on the ground,
Lost and not found by you
This time around The night is a crow, saying come hold me
All that I know is that up and so lonely for thee
All that I knew, all that I know, found myself under your rain
I want to be evergreen
I want to be evergreen! Chorus: Holiday Inn, you once again, and I'm left alone on the bus to my high
Head on the ground,
Lost and not found by you
This time around...
I want to be evergreen, I want to live all year round (4x)


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