Sofia Nizharadze - Shine vaizdo klipas

Kitu Sofia Nizharadze dainų žodžiai

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Sofia Nizharadze

Shine dainos žodžiai

Who can ever tell the colour of a soul
And the memories we keep from long ago?
Do we ever really know each other’s past?

You can’t go back to before
But tomorrow will bring even more

Like the tide’s gonna turn you will know, when it’s cold
You’re on your own but you’re never alone
Shine, shine like the stars in the sky
Wipe your dust off your love, let it shine

So when nothing’s ever really carved in stone
Remember that your heart is holding on
And when every second melts up in the past

Don’t be afraid it will end
Only fear that it never began

Like the tide’s gonna turn you will know, when it’s cold
You’re on your own but you’re never alone
Shine, shine like the stars in the sky
Wipe your dust off your love, let it shine

You can’t go back to before
But tomorrow will bring even more…

Like the tide’s gonna turn you will know, when it’s cold
You’re on your own but you’re never alone
Shine, shine like the stars in the sky
Let it shine


Apsaugos kodas:
Zydrune rašė: prieš 165 mėn
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