Air Supply - End Of The Line vaizdo klipas

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Air Supply

End Of The Line dainos žodžiai

This will take some understanding
I believe someone is sending love to us and everyone
Who cares to take a gamble sometimes
Think of me I've given all I can
Stretched an arm and open hand to you

So never say no
That's the end of the line
That's the end of the line
That's the end of the line
That's the end of the line

You I need, always needed, don't turn back for any reason
First we talk and then we fall headfirst into each others thinking
Please be where I'll always see you, life is short
The twinkle of an eye is all we have until we say

That's the end of the line
That's the end of the line
That's the end of the line
That's the end of the line

Take me away, take me away
Take me away
Do you dream fantasy and believe what you see is weird
I need a remedy or a book to get off this fear
All I wanted to know is how do I get the truth from here.
We play so small a part
But we started from somewhere

All the friends that I can think of
Know what's going to happen to them
If they don't think on today and plan ahead for their tomorrow
Here we are just lucky children breaking out of the shell
I'll take your hand today and love you till we reach

The end of the line
Reach the end of the line
Reach the end of the line
Reach the end of the line
Take me away
Take me away
Take me away


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