Ace Of Base - Edge Of Heaven vaizdo klipas

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Ace Of Base

Edge Of Heaven dainos žodžiai

[Vocals: Jenny/Linn;
Backing vocals: John Ballard and Shirley Clamp]
Fire! I can see it burning so brightly
Fire! I can feel it calling out to me
And as the sun goes down
It starts to paint a picture
Of an ancient town
So far away, across the endless sea
Lead me to the light
And take me to the edge of heaven
I'm standing in the night
Looking for the edge of heaven
We'll be touching the edge of heaven
Close your eyes see dreams of tomorrow
The wheels are turning till eternity
And as the darkness comes
I start to see a picture
Of a lonely man
So clearly now reaching out for me
Lead me to the light...
And sail the endless sea
So lead me to the light
And take me to the edge of heaven
The edge of heaven is near
We'll sail the endless sea


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