Ace Of Base - Donnie (Ole Evenrude Mix) vaizdo klipas

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Ace Of Base

Donnie (Ole Evenrude Mix) dainos žodžiai


Donnie's got a secret and you know it
He was yours
In the summertime yeah
About ten years ago
He promised you to stay forever
Live with you
It's so bitter sweet now (it's so bitter sweet now)
When you know what you lost

Donnie was the boy you always wanted (by your side)
Donnie was the boy your girl friends fell for (one by one)
(Donnie Donnie Donnie Donnie oh)
Donnie was the boy you always wanted (day and night)
But Donnie had a girl-friend tender, sexy, sweet and blonde

Not in the Australian version!
In the summer time, yeah-yeah
In the summer time, life was easy
On the beach you had him
Long ago, oh-oh

He's always in your mind, the season changes
Years went by
But that chapter of love
Stays unfinished for you
Keep on dancing through your new life maybe
Make a move
Make him see you again (make him see you again)
As the flower you are*
(* = Donnie Donnie Donnie Donnie oh)

Donnie was the boy you always wanted (by your side)
Donnie was the boy your girl friends fell for (one by one)*
Donnie was the boy you always wanted (day and night)
But Donnie had a girl friend tender, sexy, sweet and blonde

In the summer time, yeah-yeah
In the summer time, life was easy
On the beach you had him long ago

Donnie was the boy you always wanted (by your side)
Donnie was the boy your girl friends fell for (one by one)*
Donnie was the boy you always wanted (day and night)
But Donnie had a girl friend tender, sexy, sweet and blonde*

Donnie was the boy you always wanted (by your side)
Donnie was the boy your girl friends fell for (one by one)*
Donnie was the boy you always wanted


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