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Dead Legend dainų žodžiai, tekstai

Dead Legend - Exhale
You were always quick to blame Though you made the same mistakes It was easier for you to be hurt ...

Dead Legend - Dark Cloud
There's a dark cloud That follows my soul down When I lie awake No one knows about how I watch t...

Dead Legend - What It's Like
Under the flood of lights Face down, paralyzed She fell into that hole in the sky Knee deep in po...

Dead Legend - False Alarm
"we just need some time apart" You got it, what you wanted "I just need some time to think" You g...

Dead Legend - Radio
Jump in the car It's an open road We'll be out all night Just a couple of kids without plans Not...

Dead Legend - Into Flames
Is this a sign? Do I attack or give it time? Let my heart break in two Over you Or what could ha...

Dead Legend - Set For Breaking
I gave you power and I watched you recognize It gave you confidence, you lost yourself inside And ...

Dead Legend - See It Through
I took a walk around four in the morning I brought my soul 'cause he helps me think I've got a pro...

Dead Legend - Not Alone
Darkness covers all I've ever known But the shadow below reminds me that there's hope Morning come...

Dead Legend - Hands Tied
Lights are flashing against the wall As cars drive by and darkness falls Windows cracked, but I ca...

Dead Legend - Falling From The Sky
How did this happen I promised before, won't do this no more That this would be the last time I fe...


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