Avril Lavigne - Dammit (Growing Up) vaizdo klipas

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Avril Lavigne

Dammit (Growing Up) dainos žodžiai

It's alright to tell me
what you think about me
I won't try to argue
or hold it against you
I know that you're leaving
you must have your reasons
The season is calling
and your pictures are falling down

The steps that I retrace
the sad look on your face
The timing and structure
did you hear she f**ked him?
A day late a buck short
I'm writing the report
On losing and failing
when I move I'm flailing now

And it'll happen once again I'll turn to a friend
Someone that understands
Sees through the master plan

But everybody's gone
And I've been here for too long
To face this on my own
Well I guess this is growing up

Well I guess this is growing up

And maybe I'll see you
at a movie sneak preview
You'll show up and walk there
on the arm of that girl
And I'll smile and you'll wave
We'll pretend it's okay
The charade it won't last
when she's gone I won't come back

And it'll happen once again I'll turn to a friend
Someone that understands
Sees through the master plan

But everybody's gone
And I've been here for too long
To face this on my own
Well I guess this is growing up

Well, I guess this is growing up [4x]
Well, I guess this is growing up


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