Cher - Clinging To A Thread vaizdo klipas

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Clinging To A Thread dainos žodžiai

Once we'ld wake up everyday
smiling remembering
how we loved the night away
but now we look for small talk when it's time to dim the lights
and we both pretend we're tired
we can always love some other night. Chorus:
So we wake up in the morning
and we go our seperate ways
dressing in our silence
as the music softly plays
and each day, like the day before
we tell ourselves we'll try once more
til once again we lay here
barely touching in our bed
we're just two people clinging
{whispered} to a thread. and so we just pretend a bit
and we never say the words
that spell the end of it
still we go on trying
to fan the dying spark
and sometimes even reach out
for each other in the dark Chorus:


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