Van Morrison - Before The World Was Made vaizdo klipas

Kitu Van Morrison dainų žodžiai

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Van Morrison

Before The World Was Made dainos žodžiai

If I paint the lashes dark
And the eyes more bright
And your lips more scarlet
Ask if it'll all be right
And it's mirror after mirror
No vanities displayed
You're just looking for the face you had
Before the world was made
Before the world was made
Before the world was made
And if I look upon you now
As though I have my view
With the earth beneath your feet
And heaven up above
Would you think me cruel
After everything's been said
You're only looking for the face you had
Before the world was made
Before the world was made
Before the world was made

And if I paint the lashes dark
And your eyes more bright
And your lips more scarlet
Ask if it'll all be right
And it's mirror after mirror
No vanities displayed
I'm just looking for the face you had
Before the world was made
Before the world was made
Before the world was made

Your original face
Before time and space
Your original face
Before time and space
Your original, original face
Before the world was made
Before the world was made
Before the world was made


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