Plain White T's - Tearin Us Apart vaizdo klipas

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Plain White T's

Tearin Us Apart dainos žodžiai

I just got off the phone with you
And something wasn't right
I wish that what I said was true
But I messed up tonight I wish that you could understand the way
I felt when she looked at me today
Oh oh oh oh
Oh when did I start tearin' us apart?
I'm tearin' us apart I just got off the phone with you
Like any other night
I know that I said I loved you too
But she was on my mind I wish that you could understand the way
I felt when she looked at me today
Oh oh oh oh
Oh when did I start tearin' us apart?
I'm tearin' us apart At this time in my life I have made up my mind
Everyone thinks that I'm crazy
But I cannot deny all these feelings inside
All I can say is that I'm sorry
I'm so sorry I just got off the phone with you
I didn't even cry
I just did what I had to do
I had to say goodbye I wish that you could understand the way
I felt when she looked at me today
Oh oh oh oh
Oh when did I start tearin' us apart?
I'm tearin' us apart Understand the way
Looked at me today
Oh oh oh oh
Oh when did I start tearin' us apart?
I'm tearin' us apart
Oh oh oh oh


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