Paula Seling & Ovi - Paying With Fire vaizdo klipas

Kitu Paula Seling & Ovi dainų žodžiai

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Paula Seling & Ovi

Paying With Fire dainos žodžiai

Girl, girl, girl can’t you see
what you do to me, tonight

Boy, boy, boy, if you’re mean
I will start a fight tonight

You and I we could try to stop
Oh boy till you drop
If we get together now
we’ll burn this place down

You and me, can’t you see,
we’re playing with fire
Tell me now,
do you feel this burning desire?
Don’t stop, make it rock,
it’s taking us higher
Could it be just a dream?
Are you running away?

Boy, boy boy, want a fight?
Come and stay with me for night

Girl, girl, girl, are you sure
I ain’t here to fight, alright?

You and I we could try to stop
Oh boy till you drop
If we get together now
we’ll burn this place down

You and me, can’t you see,
we’re playing with fire
Tell me now,
do you feel this burning desire?
Don’t stop, make it rock,
it’s taking us higher
Could it be just a dream?
Are you running away?

You and me, can’t you see,
we’re playing with fire
Tell me now,
do you feel this burning desire?
Don’t stop, make it rock,
it’s taking us higher
Could it be just a dream?
Are you running away?

You and me, can’t you see,
we’re playing with fire
Tell me now,
do you feel this burning desire?
Don’t stop, make it rock,
it’s taking us higher
Could it be just a dream?
Are you running away?

If we get together now
we’ll burn this place down


Apsaugos kodas:
555 rašė: prieš 173 mėn
lb lb lb viskas gggggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzz zzzzzzzzzzuuuuuuuuuuu
Pou. rašė: prieš 177 mėn
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