Goldfinger - The Innocent vaizdo klipas

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The Innocent dainos žodžiai

The start of Armageddon
It was just another day
We all the heard the news
Nothing to say
So many friends are missing
A family member's gone
So we all pray that God
Helps them be strong
And now we stand together,
Remembering that day,
The lives we live will never be the same. And we don't know why
The innocent die
Will this world ever find a way to change?
And we don't know why,
But we know it's not right
We don't know why our friend had to die
We don't know why our friend had to die
Hate has turned to others
For their religion or their skin
Hate can't solve the problem it began
Everyone is angry
People are afraid
And no one knows what decisions will be made. And we don't know why
The innocent die
Will this world ever find a way to change?
And we don't know why
But we no it's not right
We don't know why our buddy had to die
We don't know why our buddy had to die And we don't know why
The innocent die
Will this world ever find a way to change?
And we don't know why
But we no it's not right
Will any of us ever any the same?
Will any of this ever be the same? And we don't know why
The innocent die
Will any of this ever be the same?
Will any of this ever be the same?


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