P.O.D - Punk Reggae Jam vaizdo klipas

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Punk Reggae Jam dainos žodžiai

Where's Russell?
It's about French Fries
How many people have had French fries at this place?
Where's Russell from Dogwood? Where's Russell?
Oh, Little boy, Russell from Dogwood everybody!

I want my french fries!
Give me my french fries!
I want my french fries!
Give me my french fries!
I want my french fries! My french fries! My french fries!
I want my french fries! My french fries! My french fries!

Christ, Christ, Christ, Christ, Ever and ever

And don't forget my ketchup!
Oh where's my ketchup?
I want my ketchup!
Oh where's my ketchup?
Oh where's my french fries?
My french fries! My french fries! Ketchup!
Oh my french fries, my french fries!

Where is my ketchup Tomfest 97?
My ketchup, Bless you Sonny
Yeeeah, Where is my ketchup?
French fries, yeaaah
Sonny loves you Lord

Come on everybody! Everybody move!
Change it up a little bit,
Lets change it up a little bit

Creativity in God, I wanna see all you people move
I don't care what sound of music you like,
I don't care what club you belong to,
I belong to the club of Jesus!
and I wanna praise him with you guys
So lift you hands in the air one time
Let the Lord speak to your heart
Do not leave, do not leave this fairgrounds
without God speaking to your hearts people,
We need it every day, every minute
Praise the Lord people

You feel it? You feel the presence of God?
It's beautiful, It's wonderful,
It's satisfying, Everlasting,


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