P.O.D - Thinking About Forever vaizdo klipas

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Thinking About Forever dainos žodžiai

Time goes by and God knows I try to carry on with life
Decide not to hide feelings inside, even though they hurt
Sometimes, I forget to remember you
It's easy to lock away the pains, don't want to relive it through
But I stay strong, you taught me how to move on in this world
I married my sweetheart, even got a little baby girl
I wish you could see her, I swear she looks just like you
If you can hear me, show me a sign, please send her a butterfly or two [chorus:]
I'm thinking about forever (missing you)
I know you're so much better (we made it through) Now I know what it means to live for someone else
To give up yourself
Things have changed, at times it gets kind of strange
Your love remains the same
Do I make you proud? Mama, can you see me now?
Whatever is good in me is because you showed me how to take love by the hand
And so now I can share you with my baby
So that she can understand [chorus] [ending chorus:]
I'm thinking about forever (missing you)
I know you're so much better (we made it through)
I'm thinking about forever (missing you)
I'm tripping on whatever (hearing you)


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