Phantom Planet - Nightmare vaizdo klipas

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Phantom Planet

Nightmare dainos žodžiai

There's a nightmare in my closet, never went away
And all the times I watched it slowly, growing up afraid
Who was scared to turn and look when I was safe in bed?
Was it there for me that had the ghastly monster's head?

If a nightmare in my closet really did exist
Who grew up and noticed that the other one was missed?
Who was scared to turn and look when I was safe in bed?
Was it there for me that had the ghastly monster's head?

Were you the creature? Please won't you tell me?

There's a nightmare in my closet; it's never gone away
More and now I've noticed that I'm growin up afraid
Who was scared to turn and look when I was safe in bed?
Was it there for me that had the ghastly monster's head?


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