Switchfoot - New Wy To Be Human vaizdo klipas

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New Wy To Be Human dainos žodžiai

Everyday it's the same thing
Another trend has begun
Hey kids, this might be the one
It's a race to be noticed
And it's leaving us numb
Hey kids, we can't be the ones

With all of our fashion
We're still incomplete
The God of redemption
Could break our routine

There's a new way to be human
It's nothing we've ever been
There's a new way to be human
(It's spreading under my skin)
(There's a new way to be human)
(Where divinty blends)
(With a new way to be human)
New way to be human

You're throwing your love across my
Impossible space
You've created me
So take me out of me into...

A new way to be human
To a new way to be human
You're a new way to be human
Where my humanity bends
To a new way to be human
Redemption begins

You're a new way to be human


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