Switchfoot - Underwater vaizdo klipas

Kitu Switchfoot dainų žodžiai

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Underwater dainos žodžiai

It's in her head
It's in her mind
She can't believe it
Can't believe she's running
Out of time And any hold
That she can find
Something to lean on
Everybody fails her
Half the time Nothing to be
She's already been
Plenty of time Lights her candle
Six A.M.
Starting a new one
Everyone new one hits her
Just the same Just like clockwork
She climbs down
Into her bottle
No one down there cares
To know her name She's underwater
Nowhere now
Underwater upside down
The rising tide won't
Find her now
She's lost and found
Underwater She's underwater
But she won't drown
She can't believe it
And everyone she meets
Feel just the same It takes all day
To get tonight
What makes the sunset
And what makes it go back
To where it came She's underwater
Nowhere now
She's underwater
Upside down
The rising tide won't
Find her now
She's lost and found
Now she's upside down
Now she's six feet down


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