Insane Clown Posse - Just Like That vaizdo klipas

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Insane Clown Posse

Just Like That dainos žodžiai

Jump outta bed and I head for the grapenuts
Eat 'em quick or they soggy and that sucks
Try to find a clean pair of socks and a shirt
Still sport the same drawers even though they hurt.
In the fridge there's a faygo it tastes ill
Cuz it's fatter that a bitch on a big wheel!
I got a few moneybacks and a little change
So I'm headed to the store when the phone rings:
"What up man check it out, I know this bitch,
She gots another friend with her, and her dad's rich,
If we find us a ride up to Rynethat,
Garunteed, we can fuck 'em both on the spot!"
Oh shit, lemme call Bill-Bill,
I wanna go and let my nuts do the windmill,
He ain't home, fuck, I'll call Mike Clark,
Cuz I know he can get the fuckin' Skylark,
He said he can, but he's broke, and it needs gas,
But I wanna buy this faygo - think fast!
I know my brother Jump Steady's got a few bones,
But that's goin' through his shit when he ain't home!
"Nevermind, J, Legs loned me a ten,
No need to get punched in ya head again,
Tell Mike to scoop me up right away,
And then faygos and nuttin' hoes all day!"
Fuck yeah, throw my pro wings on my feet,
Lock the house, and wait for 'em in the street,
I wish I had a piece of gum, or somethin', fuck,
My mouth still kinda tastes like grape nuts.
Here they come, nope, it wasn't them,
Seems like the same cars drivin' by again,
It pulls up……
"Hey, man, you're in luck…"
"W-what'd you say, man?"



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