Insane Clown Posse - Intro (Great Milenko) vaizdo klipas

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Insane Clown Posse

Intro (Great Milenko) dainos žodžiai

"Pumpkin put some music on I feel like dancin'."
"Hold on suga I'm fixin' to right now....3 6 4...awright now come over here woman let's get this shindig started woo! C'mon everybody!...
Now what in the hell is wrong with this juke machine?"

"Be warned my children..six will visit...followed by the crumbling of time itself. Before the coming of Shangra La a dark Carnival will sweep across the land,
As a shadow, plagued with destruction. A parade of freaks, jugglers, and death. This wretched nightmare is led by six faces. Three have come...three have gone.
The fourth He walks among
Us as a shadow, void of light, powered by your own darkness, strengthened by your own wickedry. A horrid reflection of your very own deep desires cast and
Reflected back upon yourself. Brothers and Sisters! The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of…The Great

"This damn thing! Maryanne, what in the hell is wrong with this music box?"
"Don't mind that old thing, honey, it does that all the time."


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