P.O.D - Jesus Loves The Little Children(Very Rare) vaizdo klipas

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Jesus Loves The Little Children(Very Rare) dainos žodžiai

Jesus loves the little children,
He loves the retards too,
But not as much as the little children,
Or else his heart would go blue,

Jesus loves the little children,
All around the world,
He loves them lots,
Loves them lots, loves them lots,

Whether there black or red or gay or straight,
Jesus loves the little children,
Well I mean not happy gay,
Like...you know, the other gay,

Jesus! Come on!
Get your nigger ass up off the couch,
And start shoveling the driveway!
If I'm late for work again,
You're gonna get such a beating!

Jesus loves the world...
He loves the world...
Loves the world...
Loves it...


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